case study


BMW is a German multinational corporation that produces luxury vehicles and motorcycles. BMW is part of the “German Big 3” luxury automakers and is considered one of the best-selling luxury automakers in the world.

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Vatic AI

Campaign Goal

  • Increase brand awareness ​
  • Increase enquiries & request for test drives


  • BMW Canada experienced a decline in new test drives, which led to fewer car sales.
  • Meanwhile, a vast majority of BMW Canada dealerships were spending 70% of their budget on advertising campaigns to protect their own brand within searches. They were receiving very few results on the extremely expensive long-tail keywords that they were bidding on.
  • BMW came to Vatic to improve their keyword performance, and ultimately generate more qualified web leads.


  • Vatic implemented our Kompete product to repurpose the budget that BMW Canada had originally set for search ad campaigns.
  • We shifted the focus on high-intent keywords that performed well for competitors such as Mercedes and Audi.  As a result, BMW was able to generate over 316 qualified web leads and 22 new test drives for each dealership.
  • These achievements outperformed Google search ads for BMW Canada Dealerships and led to a 37% increase in test drives within 60 days after campaign launch.







Form Enquiries
& Leads


CPA Reduction


Increase in test drives

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