Predictive Credit Evolved

Save 30% on your Customer Acquisition Costs within 90 Days with Qscore!

Revolutionize audience financial qualification. Leveraging VaticAI, we redefine credit worthiness prediction, enhancing your audience qualification at the top of the funnel, saving you on your customer acquisition costs.

Introducing Qscore

AI Driven Non Traditional Predictive Financial Qualification

Vatic AI

Qscore Solution

Leveraging VaticAI technology, Qscore excels in providing predictive financial qualification services across various industries where minimal financial vetting is essential.

Predicted Financial Qualification

Qscore accurately predicts creditworthiness and qualification, focusing on qualified leads to optimize top of funnel advertising.

Efficiency across all Advertising Channels

By optimizing your advertising spend, our solution ensures that every dollar contributes directly to attracting
high-quality leads, maximizing your return on investment.

Privacy and Compliance

Prioritizing privacy, Qscore employs secure, GDPR-compliant data processing methods.


How Qscore Works

Qscore utilizes VaticAI technology to transform financial qualification across a broad spectrum of industries. By processing real-time data and creating detailed user taxonomies, our platform offers unmatched precision in identifying financially reliable clients and reducing customer acquisition costs within 90 days. 

Vatic AI


What is someone searching for?

Proprietary AI Technology surfaces the true purchase intent of audiences.  

AI analyzes user journeys across the web to predict their next destination based on how they arrived.

Vatic AI

Predicted Financial Qualification

Are they Qualified?

Qscore models identify users on multiple factors which accurately indicate a user’s financial qualification.

Result: Reduce ad waste over 30%

Vatic AI


Are they still looking?

The algorithm is constantly
updating to determine:

Recency – How recent was a user's last interaction on the subject

Frequency – How many interactions on a subject and is the velocity increasing towards the product/service.

Are they qualified?

Predicted Financial Qualification

The 5 Scoring Factors of Predictive Qualification with Qscore​

Financial Literacy Assessment

Qscore​ gauges users' financial literacy through their engagement with high-scoring financial content.

Intellectual Complexity

Analysis: Qscore​ uses advanced algorithms to assess users' intellectual complexity, identifying those with a capacity for sound financial decision-making.​

Employment Probability

AI Signals  for Employment Verification: Qscore​, processes millions of AI Signals from traffic in and out of LinkedIn and global job boards to predict employment status.

Approval Lookalike Behaviour

Qscore​ feeds in data of approved leads back into the system, creating a predictive model that identifies potential new leads who closely resemble those already approved.

1st Party Approval Data Cohorts

Qscore​ utilizes anonymized 1st party approval data cohorts to identify users with a high likelihood of successful application approvals, enabling precise targeting through historical patterns analysis.

Seamless Platform Integration

Qscore's advanced technology is designed for compatibility and efficiency, integrating smoothly with leading advertising platforms.


Qscore’s integration with Google enables precise targeting within the world's largest advertising platform, leveraging Google's extensive reach to engage with the most qualified audiences.

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Meta (Facebook and Instagram)

By aligning with Meta’s platforms, Qscore taps into rich social media inventory, enhancing the reach and effectiveness of our data in advertising campaigns.

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X (Formerly ‘Twitter’)

With the integration into X, the former Twitter advertising platform, Qscore engages a unique audience base, making use of user engagement within the platform for further reach across all industries.

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Partnering with TikTok, Qscore reaches a diverse and dynamic audience, adapting your messaging to cater to a younger demographic, and reaching an audience untapped by many businesses requiring certain financial qualifications.

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Privacy Assurance

Commitment to Privacy & Security

In an era where data privacy is paramount, Qscore sets a high standard for user data protection and regulatory compliance. Our privacy assurance is twofold, focusing on both technological solutions and adherence to legal standards.

Blockchain Technology

At the core of our privacy approach is the use of blockchain technology. This advanced method ensures that user non-PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data is securely written and stored on the blockchain through smart contracts. The result is an immutable, anonymous, and tamper-proof ledger of internet events, providing unparalleled data security.

GDPR Compliance

Qscore's technology is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), respecting international privacy laws and regulations. This compliance is not just about adhering to legal requirements; it's about respecting user privacy and building trust with customers. We believe in creating trustLESS relationships, where data integrity and privacy are never compromised.

Partnership with Privacy Leaders

In our commitment to privacy, Qscore partners with leading platforms like Matomo, a CNIL-approved analytics platform, especially for our operations in regions like France. This partnership ensures that we accumulate data about audience interactions in a manner that fully respects user privacy and complies with local laws.

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